Table of Contents


Inherits:Perk Section:unit Priority:400


UnitPerk grants functions related to loading and instantiating units, such as loading class files.


Format - Global

Settings common to all units are written in the “system.unit” section of the global settings.

    "system": {
        "unit": {
            "options": {
                "path": String,

Format - Unit

Unit-specific settings are written in the “unit” section.

The “unit.units” section lists the units to be added dynamically. The object set as the value of <unitName> is the settings for the unit to be added. All settings, including those not listed here, can be written. The values written here will be merged into the unit's settings.

    "unit": {
        "options": {
            "adjacentPosition": "beforebegin"|"afterbegin"|"beforeend"|"afterend",
            "autoLoad": Boolean|String,
            "autoMorph": Boolean|String,
            "className": String,
            "fileName": String,
            "parentNode": String,
            "parentUnit": String,
            "path": String,
            "query": String,
            "replaceParent": Boolean,
            "syncOnAdd": String,
            "tag": String,
        "units": {
            <unitName>:  {
                (unit settings)

Format - Tag Attributes

Some settings can be written in tag attributes.




The position at which the unit is to be inserted. One of “beforebegin”, “afterbegin”, “beforeend”, or “afterend” can be specified. The meaning is the same as the position argument of the standard insertAdjacentHTML().

"autoLoad" / bm-autoload

Type:Boolean|String Default:False

If set, class files for the unit will be automatically loaded. The value can be True, a URL to the unit's JS file, or a URL to an HTML file. If True, files will be loaded using the default path and filename. If a JS file is specified, the specified class file will loaded. If an HTML file is specified, the specified HTML file is loaded after morphing.

If the value is set for the bm-autoload attribute, the value is used as the URL to the file, or true if no value is specified.

"autoMorph" / bm-automorph

Type:Boolean|String Default:“BITSMIST.v1.Unit”

If set, instantiates a unit using a class that inherits an existing class. If a string is specified, a new class is created that extends the specified class, which is then tied to the tag. If the specified class does not yet exist, the autoLoad option must also be used to load the class at the same time. If True, the default Unit class is used.

If the value is set for the bm-automorph attribute, the value is used as the class name, or True if no value is specified.

"className" / bm-classname

Type:String Default:(See desc)

The class name of the unit. If not specified, the class name is the name of the tag name with the word before and after the hyphen concatenated with each word's first letter capitalized.

"fileName" / bm-filename

Type:String Default:<tag name>

The file name of the unit without extension. If not specified, the tag name is used as the file name.

This is used as the file name when loading HTML files, CSS files, and other files, also.



The node to which this unit is to be added. The node must be under the unit specified in parentUnit. If not specified, it will be added directly under the parent node.


Type:String Default:this

The parent unit to which this unit will be added. The value is the same as the target argument of the basic.locate skill. If not specified, it is added to itself.

"path" / bm-path


The path to the unit. The final path will be the string “system.unit.options.path” and “unit.options.path” concatenated.

This is used as the path when loading HTML files, CSS files, and other files, also.



A query that is appended to the URL when retrieving a file.


Type:Boolean Default:False

Specifies whether to replace the parent node.


Type:Boolean|String Default:False

If True, the parent unit waits for the added unit to become “ready”. If a string is specified, it waits for the added unit to be the specified status.

For the valid statuses, see Reference - StatuePerk - state -status.



The tags of the unit, including the closing tag. This value will be inserted into the HTML.



The name of the unit.

Event Handlers


Loads settings from the “unit.units” section and add units using materialize spell.

Reference Settings



Type:Object Target:instance

This object holds the units added to this unit. Each item has the following keys:

objectUnitAdded units.



Type:Unit Target:Unit

Adds a new unit inside a unit. Instances of the added units will be added to the units in the inventory, also. If class files need to be loaded, specify the autoLoad or autoMorph option in the settings argument. The class files are loaded using summon spell.


StringThe tag name of the unit to be added.
settingsObjectThe settings for the unit to be added. This is equivalent to the settings set as a value for <unitName>.
optionsObjectLoad options. Has the following keys:
“syncOnAdd”BooleanSame as syncOnAdd setting. This one has a higher priority.

Return Value

Instance of the added unit.

Reference Settings


Type:Undefined Target:Unit

Instantiates all units that need to be loaded under the root node specified. The materialize spell is cast to instantiate eatch unit.


HTMLElementThe node that is the base point for loading units.
optionsObjectLoad options. Has the following keys:
BooleanIf True, waits for all loaded units to become “ready” before going to the next process.

Return Value


Reference Settings


Type:Undefined Target:Unit

Loads the class file for the unit. After the file has been loaded, the unit can be instantiated by adding the unit's tag to the document tree. If the tag exists before loading, it will be instantiated as soon as this spell is completed.


ObjectTag name of the unit to be loaded.
settingsObjectUnit Settings.

Return Value


Reference Settings